It started with the desire to do things differently.

We are CINSYR.

CINSYR because we have CINcinnati, Ohio roots before setting up shop in SYRacuse, New York. SINCERE because we love what we do and it shows.

Let’s back up a quick second so we can talk in third person. CINSYR Creative Group was founded in 2016 by two leading retail design experts, Antoun Choueiry and Michael Vine. It has always been their passion to inspire audiences through unique brand experiences.

They began their careers designing total branded environments while working at an award-winning retail design firm. Later, their paths crossed at a different agency where they focused on shopper-based design and understanding consumer behavior. They formed CINSYR so that they could offer this combination of expertise – building brands throughout all touch points of the audience journey.

Now back to our first person narrative ;) We pride ourselves by being highly collaborative, transparent, and super passionate. As our team continues to grow, we build our crew around the fact that we want talent to work WITH us, never FOR us. Big difference right there.